Saturday, May 11, 2013

Batman and Green Arrow by Mike Grell

A little flashback to the 'Longbow Hunters' era of the 80s.
Pencilled and inked by Mike Grell.

Batman by Ron Frenz

Yes, Ron Frenz can do other commissions than Spider-Man related ones.  ;)

Batman #661 pg 18 by Tom Mandrake

A very nice page pencilled and inked by Tom Mandrake.

Friday, May 10, 2013

The road to Batman vs Mr. Freeze by Ken Hunt

Here are some pencils that show the development of the drawing.
Thanks again to Ken for letting me butt in with a few ideas.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Batman vs Mr. Freeze by Ken Hunt

You're too late - fight's already over ;)
Pencilled and inked by Ken Hunt (here's his deviantart page).
Some pencil drawings showing the development of this commission can be found here.

Harley Quinn by Ken Hunt

Harley Quinn (special Ken Hunt version) playing with dolls.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Catwomen by Joe Pekar

Since Joe Pekar ( likes to draw women, I thought it would be nice to have the 90s Catwoman meeting her Golden Age Counterpart.
So, no Batman in this drawing - but I don't miss him much...  ;)